Membership in The Flying Veterans Club of San Francisco is limited to a total of 10 members. Membership is neither limited to military veterans nor veterinarians. The current members have a wide range of flying experience and ratings.
Flying Veterans is similar to, but is not technically an equity partnership. Rather, the plane is 100% owned by the nonprofit corporation, which confers usage of the plane (and other club resources) exclusively to members.
Meetings are held by Zoom or in the the club's hangar office on the second Tuesday of every month.
Membership Availability
As of December 2022, there are two memberships available for purchase.
Anyone interested in joining the club is welcome to contact us and/or ask to be placed on the club's waiting list.
Contact us by email at flyingveterans at gmail dot com.
Cost of Membership
When a new membership opportunity arises, the new member usually purchases the outgoing member's interest in the club at a mutually agreed price.
Ongoing membership costs, as of Dec 2022, are:
Monthly dues of $225/mo. to cover the fixed costs (hangar, insurance, annual inspection)
Hourly cost of $128/hr. (wet tach) which fluctuates based on the cost of fuel and engine reserves.
Monthly dues pay for the insurance on the aircraft, the rental of the hangar and the associated office, personal property taxes for the aircraft, annual inspection costs, and required avionic and instrument checks. Reserves for scheduled maintenance and inspections are built into the hourly rate.
Overall, the club is in good financial health, with more than enough money in the bank for forthcoming inspections and an engine overhaul.